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Degree Program
To become a complete Hibernian you should consider participating in the Degree Program
The Degree Ceremonies are designed to:
A) Provide a dignified and orderly example of conducting the meetings of the Society.
B) Impress candidates with the meaning and prepare them to practice the Motto of The Order – Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity
C) Waken a pride in the ancient race of their forefathers, and develop an interest in the history and destiny of that race.
D) Encourage members to live the ideals and practice the virtues which have distinguished the Irish people from the earliest ages
E) Strengthen them in their faith, make them practical in their duties and loyally observant of the precepts of the Catholic Church.
First Degree: The Shamrock Degree is an instruction in the motto of our Order and is usually taken at a Division meeting given by the Division President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Chairman of the Standing Committee, or a Shamrock Degree Team appointed by the Division, or higher authority.
The Major Degrees:
o Second Degree: The Lesson of the Tower and Friendship.
o Third Degree: The Lesson of Harmony and the danger of Factions.
o Fourth Degree: The Lesson of Patriotism and Charitable commitment to faith and nation.
o The Trial: The Final Lesson and Test of The Order.
There are several national degree teams who conduct programs and confer degrees. See the national website for more information on who to contact regarding Major degree team contacts.